Class | Description |
AbstractQueryType |
Java class for AbstractQueryType complex type.
AbstractRecordType |
Java class for AbstractRecordType complex type.
AcknowledgementType |
This is a general acknowledgement response message for all requests
that may be processed in an asynchronous manner.
BriefRecordType |
This type defines a brief representation of the common record
CapabilitiesType |
This type extends ows:CapabilitiesBaseType defined in OGC-05-008
to include information about supported OGC filter components.
ConceptualSchemeType |
Java class for ConceptualSchemeType complex type.
DCMIRecordType |
This type encapsulates all of the standard DCMI metadata terms,
including the Dublin Core refinements; these terms may be mapped
to the profile-specific information model.
DeleteType |
Deletes one or more catalogue items that satisfy some set of
DescribeRecordResponseType |
The response contains a list of matching schema components
in the requested schema language.
DescribeRecordType |
This request allows a user to discover elements of the
information model supported by the catalogue.
DistributedSearchType |
Governs the behaviour of a distributed search.
DomainValuesType |
Java class for DomainValuesType complex type.
EchoedRequestType |
Includes a copy of the request message body.
ElementSetNameType |
Java class for ElementSetNameType complex type.
EmptyType |
Java class for EmptyType complex type.
GetCapabilitiesType |
Request for a description of service capabilities.
GetDomainResponseType |
Returns the actual values for some property.
GetDomainType |
Requests the actual values of some specified request parameter
or other data element.
GetRecordByIdResponseType |
Returns a representation of the matching entry.
GetRecordByIdType |
Convenience operation to retrieve default record representations
by identifier.
GetRecordsResponseType |
The response message for a GetRecords request.
GetRecordsType |
The principal means of searching the catalogue.
HarvestResponseType |
Java class for HarvestResponseType complex type.
HarvestType |
Requests that the catalogue attempt to harvest a resource from some
network location identified by the source URL.
InsertResultType |
Returns a "brief" view of any newly created catalogue records.
InsertType |
Submits one or more records to the catalogue.
ListOfValuesType |
Java class for ListOfValuesType complex type.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the package.
QueryConstraintType |
A search constraint that adheres to one of the following syntaxes:
Filter - OGC filter expression
CqlText - OGC CQL predicate
QueryType |
Specifies a query to execute against instances of one or
more object types.
RangeOfValuesType |
Java class for RangeOfValuesType complex type.
RecordPropertyType |
Java class for RecordPropertyType complex type.
RecordType |
This type extends DCMIRecordType to add ows:BoundingBox;
it may be used to specify a spatial envelope for the
catalogued resource.
RequestBaseType |
Base type for all request messages except GetCapabilities.
RequestStatusType |
This element provides information about the status of the
search request.
SchemaComponentType |
A schema component includes a schema fragment (type
definition) or an entire schema from some target namespace;
the schema language is identified by URI.
SearchResultsType |
Includes representations of result set members if maxRecords > 0.
SummaryRecordType |
This type defines a summary representation of the common record
TransactionResponseType |
The response for a transaction request that was successfully
TransactionSummaryType |
Reports the total number of catalogue items modified by a transaction
request (i.e, inserted, updated, deleted).
TransactionType |
Users may insert, update, or delete catalogue entries.
UpdateType |
Update statements may replace an entire record or only update part
of a record:
1) To replace an existing record, include a new instance of the
2) To update selected properties of an existing record, include
a set of RecordProperty elements.
Enum | Description |
ElementSetType |
Java class for ElementSetType.
ResultType |
Java class for ResultType.
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