Class | Description |
DeleteElementType |
Java class for DeleteElementType complex type.
DescribeFeatureTypeType |
The DescribeFeatureType operation allows a client application
to request that a Web Feature Service describe one or more
feature types.
EmptyType |
Java class for EmptyType complex type.
FeatureCollectionType |
This type defines a container for the response to a
GetFeature or GetFeatureWithLock request.
FeaturesLockedType |
Java class for FeaturesLockedType complex type.
FeaturesNotLockedType |
Java class for FeaturesNotLockedType complex type.
GetCapabilitiesType |
This type defines the GetCapabilities operation.
GetFeatureType |
A GetFeature element contains one or more Query elements
that describe a query operation on one feature type.
GetFeatureWithLockType |
A GetFeatureWithLock request operates identically to a
GetFeature request expect that it attempts to lock the
feature instances in the result set and includes a lock
identifier in its response to a client.
InsertElementType |
Java class for InsertElementType complex type.
InsertResultType |
Java class for InsertResultType complex type.
LockFeatureType |
This type defines the LockFeature operation.
LockType |
This type defines the Lock element.
NativeType |
Java class for NativeType complex type.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the ogc.schema.opengis.wfs.v_1_0_0 package.
PropertyType |
Java class for PropertyType complex type.
QueryType |
The Query element is of type QueryType.
StatusType |
Java class for StatusType complex type.
TransactionResultType |
Java class for TransactionResultType complex type.
TransactionType |
The TranactionType defines the Transaction operation.
UpdateElementType |
Java class for UpdateElementType complex type.
WFSLockFeatureResponseType |
The WFS_LockFeatureResponseType is used to define an
element to contains the response to a LockFeature
WFSTransactionResponseType |
The WFS_TransactionResponseType defines the format of
the XML document that a Web Feature Service generates
in response to a Transaction request.
Enum | Description |
AllSomeType |
Java class for AllSomeType.
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